This is quite long, but I'm posting it anyway, because I think
there is a bigger picture than the one Derek paints.  The
quoted article posits a better design for calculators,
with the implication of likely improvements in their
usability, and concomitant knock-on effects on numeracy.

The problem is, designing better calculators is 
easy compared with *making* better calculators. But 
what real purpose does any detailed design work serve,
if there isn't a hope that someone will actually use it?

Usability research doesn't exist in a vacuum; without the
reasonable likelihood that products *will* actually be made 
more usable, who cares how usable they *could* be?  Glossing
over, or ignoring, economic realities while researching
better product design doesn't seem terribly useful to me.

And the thing is, it's hard to choose a piece of technology
less likely to bear improvement than the humble calculator.

On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 15:35 +0100, Derek M Jones wrote:
> The example given: "... 4 x -5 is, people tend to key in 4 x - 5, and
> so end up with the result -1."  Several calculators I have tried work
> this way, but isn't that intentional?  

Only insofar as it's how poorly designed calculators 
happen to work; a lot of design features like this
are accidental rather than deliberate.

> Somebody accidently hits the wrong
> key, then presses the correct one and gets the expected answer.
> 4 x (-5) delivers the expected result.

The trick is knowing that you got the wrong answer the
first time, especially if you're under 30, or if you don't 
have an inherent sense of how numbers work.  

But I repeat myself.

> I thought the design aim of calculators was to make it easy for
> people to solve the kind of problems that commonly occur (ie, easy
> problems)?

Actually, Derek, it's not clear that there is a 
"design aim" for calculators any more.  

The majority of interesting calculator R&D was
done before 1990, and pretty much every calculator now 
available has a design that hasn't evolved in nearly 
two decades, while the world has whistled on.

Note that this is *not* because the designers
didn't know how to press forward with better ideas; many of
the usability improvements in the Thimbleby papers were
on the minds of calculator designers a generation ago.
I know, because I was there and I saw their whiteboards.

As a former HP calculator developer, I know that 
calculator design is in a parlous state. I also have 
the confidence that, in common with many ex-calculator
designers of old, I could sit down and design a 
substantially more usable and effective calculator 
than any available today. It would be implementable 
on modern hardware while handling all the frustrating 
and surprising corner-cases where simple arithmetic 
goes all non-linear on you. It would feel right in 
the hand and in the head.

But I won't do it, because it would be a waste of time.
Why?  Because no-one would make it, since the current
horrible devices are unfortunately good enough for 
most people, and those of us who want better would
turn to our computers rather than pay the $500 price tag.

Skimming the papers available on the linked site, it seems to me that
the goals are to develop pedagogical gadgets for school
maths classes, and to "fix" wildly out-dated calculator user
interfaces, thus avoiding the inevitable financial disasters
and plane crashes caused when the innumerati meet the unusabli.

The first is certainly a laudable aim, and indeed one 
that's not lost on major calculator makers.  

For example, Casio are still valiantly promoting their
'ClassPad' system for teaching:

And HP nearly brought a product to market several
years ago, the Math Xpander, that let students play with
graphs and equations in interesting ways:

[A version of its software can be downloaded from here: 

But I'm afraid fixing calculator design generally is 
right up there with improving the QWERTY keyboard or
musical notation; very easy to demo, very hard to do.

HP led the world in calculator design from the 1970s 
to the early 1990s, before beginning the maddening 
process of frittering away everything they knew for a buck.
HP now outsources the design of its machines
along with their production; their calculator division
was booted out in favour of inkjet printer cartridges.
Once over 1,000 people, it could now fit into a Starbucks.

HP's top-selling calculator, the 12C, has been selling
continuously with an unchanged design since 1981, 
predating the Apple Macintosh, the Falklands War, 
and Britney Spears.  Their recent attempt to revamp 
it actually made it less usable, less reliable and 
more expensive, because the people who could design
such things are now at Texas Instruments, or making 
hats, or buried.

So, here's the $64K question that these research
papers beg: with all the zillions of calculators
being sold, how come only academics seem to be doing 
new calculator design any more? Why are all the models 
you can buy warmed-up leftovers from the Reagan 
Administration, with more RAM, less dependability and 
Day-glo buttons?

Based on my own efforts to create a business plan
around new calculator-like devices a year or
two ago, the overwhelming reason seems to be that
the business case for designing new calculators 
of almost *any* kind no longer works.  (And those
that I think might work require more millions to
try out than I have lying around.)

One of HP's major investments was in writing
robust, reliable numeric libraries that squared
the intersecting circles of consistency, 
repeatability, accuracy, precision, correctness,
size and time-to-execute on a machine with as 
much power as the static in nylon shorts.

Such libraries are as big a part of "the magic 
of making the discrete look continuous" as a slick
user interface is, because there are a semi-
infinite number of capability/interface trade-offs 
in calculator implementation, due to the physical 
and logical constraints of devices that fit in the hand.

Making a good calculator is a surprisingly hard
task, and pretty much all the current machines
tread on hard-earned wisdom from a generation ago.

But expensive as it is, the design isn't the real 
money pit; actually manufacturing them, creating 
and maintaining channels to market, and chasing
competitors into the financial basement is where
the *real* shirts get lost.

Old-time calculator buyers were professionals
who had to choose between a calculator, a slide rule
and a Commodore PET.  That supported a lot of high-
margin spending, and bankrolled calculator design 
for twenty years.  It also made sure that designs
were done for educated people who didn't need their
hands held when moving terms around in equations.
But these people have all moved on to PCs, PDAs
and other zippy computing doodads; the high-end 
market is gone, and that paid for the rest.

With few exceptions, today's calculator buyers are 
now school-kids going through the painful transition
from mathlessness to mathophobia.  By their nature, 
they don't buy multi-hundred dollar items for "doing sums",
because they go through gadgets like a horse goes
through hedges.

To add insult, most non-trivial calculator designs 
are banned by examination boards, thus promoting
design stagnation over freshness.

The rest of the market are people who want something
to reassure themselves that 20+2 really is 22;
that's now done by almost every gadget worth more 
than a bucket of sand.  Such people rarely have to
worry about multiplying by -5, because they can't
buy -5 apples at Sainsburys.  And when they do worry
about it, the same lousy interface is available on 
calculators in their phone, their computer, their PDA,
and their calculators proper.

These factors have hammered the calculator market down 
to stagnant, throw-away devices, with consequently
thrown-away profits; it's become yesterday's business.

The cost of bringing a new calculator to market today 
is such that no existing maker will spend a cent of any 
colour on original design work, because the knock-on 
effects, through their manufacturing chain to the customer, 
leave no hope that the investment will be recouped before 
the CEO is fired.

Instead, they make the buttons from this year's colour, 
shave more plastic from the case, and send them off to
Wal-Mart with sheet-of-paper manuals in lilting Engrish.
And companies with the resources to enter the market 
run screaming from the three-dollar competition that
hangs glued onto cards by the checkout.

So, much as I sympathize with the Thimblebys' desire to
make calculators better, I fear that few will ultimately
benefit from these better calculators, because I believe 
manufacturers are all fresh out of shirts to lose, most
calculator buyers expect them to work in a certain
crappy way, and we don't have any $10 general-purpose
touchscreen computers we can co-opt to change their minds.

While Derek is concerned about ignoring common cases, I'm
concerned about massive effort being put into something
that will run on any handy multimedia classroom, but is 
not likely ever to improve the gadget in little Johnny's
hand, where it might actually make a real difference.

And I wonder about the point of doing research on 
product designs that are economically unrealistic 
to change.  

It's not often that I hope I'm wrong; modern
calculators suck rocks through a 15.24m hose, 
and I do wish they could be good again.

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