P-value for kids (well, relatively speaking):

        I claim that I make 80% of my free throws.

        You say I don't believe you -- you think I make less than 80%.

        We go to the gym: I make 8 of 20 free throws.

        You say: somebody who really makes 80% would almost never 
        make as few as 8 out of 20.  The data are inconsistent
        with your claim.

        The P-value is the probability that I would make as few as
        8 of 20 if I really make 80% in the long run.  This probability
        is extremely small, so you have strong evidence that in fact
        I make fewer than 80%.

Even without knowing the binomial distr needed for the calculation,
the reasoning is clear.  Because software does the calculations, it's
the reasoning that matters.


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