Cher·e·s tou·te·s,

La prochaine séance du séminaire *MathsApp* se tiendra ce mercredi 13
février de 12h à 14h à la Maison de la Recherche (28, Rue Serpente), salle

Nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter Michele Ginammi (Politecnico Milano -
Universiteit van Amsterdam) qui présentera une conférence intitulée
"Expecting the Rules of Chess to Reflect Those of the Solar System".

Résumé :
*According to Steiner (1998), very often contemporary physicists make
important discoveries about the physical world by relying on purely formal
mathematical ‘analogies’. These ‘analogies’ seem not to be in any sense
rooted in the content of the mathematical representations, and therefore
raise some epistemological and methodological difficulties: why is this
strategy effective and how can we justify it, given that analogical
reasoning is not, strictly speaking, logically valid? An example of this
“analogical reasoning” is the reasoning that led to the prediction of the
Ω−particle by M. Gell-Mann and Y. Ne’eman (1962). In the present talk, I
will discuss this prediction and I will offer a logical reconstruction for
it that avoids the difficulties raised by Steiner. According to this
reconstruction, the analogical reasoning seemingly at work in the
Ω−prediction is explained in terms of hypotheses about the relation between
the mathematical structure employed and the physical target represented by
it. Finally, I will compare this case to other cases of analogical
reasoning in science, and I will discuss to which extent this solution can
be generalized to offer an answer to the epistemological issues raised by
analogical reasoning in science.*

Pour préparer la discussion, les participant·e·s peuvent lire l'article
suivant :
Michele Ginammi, "Avoiding Reification: Heuristic Effectiveness of
Mathematics and the Prediction of the Omega Minus Particle", *Studies in
History and Philosophy of Modern Science*, 2016:53 (20-27).


Marina Imocrante (IHPST) et Julien Tricard (SND)

Marina Imocrante
+33 (0)1 43 54 60 36

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