Chères et chers collègues,

Mogens Chrom Jacobsen, Oleg Bresky, Oliver Kauffmann et moi-même sommes
ravi(e)s de vous convier à la 4ème séance du séminaire de recherche en
philosophie & esthétique *« Esthétique environnementale et citoyenneté
» *(Université
Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, École des arts de la Sorbonne, Nordic Summer
University, European Humanities University / J. Althusius Institute,
Lituanie, Aarhus University, Danemark).

Nous avons le plaisir de recevoir :

*Vendredi 15 février 2019 de18h30 à 20h30*

*Asger Sørensen, associate professor, University of Aarhus, School of
Education, Danemark*

« *Bildung* as Democratic Opinion and Will Formation. Habermas beyond
Habermas »

Considering citizenship education specifically in relation to deliberative
politics, first, I focus on the role that Habermas in *Between Facts and
Norms* allots to opinion and will formation as a kind of *Bildung*,
emphasizing the collective aspect of discursive formation in the state as
well as in civil society. Secondly, even though I have stressed the crucial
role of deliberation in the formation to virtue, I recognize that Habermas
attempts to combine the republican call for civic virtue with the liberal
claims to have rights. Thirdly, I emphasize that also for Habermas *Bildung*
in some sense constitutes the truth of human being, although it is not
specified in detail. Fourthly, I argue that democratic citizenship
education would benefit from a substantial notion of *Bildung*, but that
Habermas does not support such an argument. Recognizing that Habermas’s
idea of collective formation is restricted to providing justice in terms of
politics and law, and bearing in mind the alienation in fact produced
within the multitudes of modern capitalist and militarist society, I
conclude by expressing the fear that Habermas’s account of democratic
formation will not be sufficiently attractive to contemporary democratic
citizens and thus unable to function as a normative ideal.

*Asger Sørensen* (b. 1960) is Associate Professor in Philosophy of
Education at Aarhus University, Denmark, holding the degrees **
(1992) and *Ph.D.* (1999) in Philosophy from University of Copenhagen,
Denmark. In Danish he has published monographs on utilitarianism,
sociologically informed ethics, philosophy of science and Georges Bataille,
plus anthologies on John Rawls and Enrique Dussel. In English he has
published anthologies on Hegelian dialectics, political philosophy of
education and democracy. Many of these have been published by NSU-press. On
Brill, he is about to publish the first volume of a trilogy of his own
works, *Dialectics, Deontology and Democracy*. Articles of his in English
have appeared in *Philosophy and* *Social Criticism*, *Hegel-Studien*,
*Ethics* *and Education*, *Journal of Philosophy of International Law*,
*Public* *Reason*, *Danish* *Yearbook of Philosophy*, among others. He
presently serves as chairman of the board of the Danish Philosophical

*Lieu *

École des arts de la Sorbonne, Centre Saint Charles, 47 rue des Bergers,
75015 Paris, *Salle 251*

Nous serons ravi(e)s de vous compter parmi les nôtres.

Neli Dobreva, Mogens Chrom Jacobsen, Oleg Bresky, Oliver Kauffmann

Pour consulter le programme détaillé avec les résumés des intervenants &
l’argument du séminaire veuillez consulter notre site :

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N’hésitez pas à faire circuler l’information dans vos réseaux.

Neli Dobreva, ATER, École des arts de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1
Panthéon Sorbonne

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