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June 18th 2019, 14h30-16h00
Bordeaux Pellegrin Hospital, Rheumatology Service, 12th floor

Miriam Solomon (Temple University, USA)

"On Validators for Psychiatric Categories"

A PhilInBioMed seminar

Open to all
On Validators for Psychiatric Categories

The concept of a validator for a psychiatric category developed in the second 
half of the twentieth century and is still in use. Surprisingly, the term 
“validator” has never been explicitly defined in the psychiatric literature. 
Moreover, although lists of different kinds of validators have often been 
stated, there has been no explicit discussion in the literature about how 
different kinds of validator evidence should be aggregated in a decision about 
how to create, revise, or remove a psychiatric category. The goal of this paper 
is to trace the development of the concept of a psychiatric validator, showing 
how our understanding has changed over time. With this in mind, I evaluate 
possible recommendations for aggregating validator evidence.For more 
information click here.

Miriam Solomon is Professor of Philosophy and Department Chair in the 
Department of Philosophy at Temple University.  She is also an Affiliated 
Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies and an Affiliated Professor 
in the Center for Bioethics, Urban Health, and Policy (Temple University School 
of Medicine).
Her research interests are in philosophy of science, philosophy of medicine, 
history of science, epistemology, gender and science and biomedical ethics.
Best regards,

Wiebke Bretting

Dr. Wiebke Bretting
Project Manager ERC IDEM
ImmunoConcEpT, UMR5164
Université de Bordeaux
146 rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux

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