Hello list!

Replying to myself:

> I wrote:
> > On intranet at work, there sometimes happens to be unicode (UTF-8)
> > characters such as a Norwegian ø in the filename. With lynx I can
> > retrieve these files, but not with elinks. Is there something I can do
> > to get elinks work also with these URLs?
> Let me describe the problem some more:
> - I'm using text console only from a Fedora system, with charset
>   iso-8859-1. (Dont't think that that matter.)
> - I use Elinks 0.13.GIT with ECMAScript (SpiderMonkey) built in.
> - The intranet solution is based on Microsoft SharePoint 2010.
> - Some files that I want to download, such as pdf or docx has UTF-8
>   characters in their file names, e.g. \303\270 as Will mentioned
>   (thank you). When selecting such a link, Elinks asks me if I want to
>   save the file, and I save it. The file content, however, is only
>   this line: 404 NOT FOUND
> - The file content is preserved if I use Lynx to download and save the
>   file.

Thanks to Witold Filipczyk, who replyed in a private email, the problem
is now solved by the following solution:

- Compiling Elinks with python support, e.g. add --with-python to the
  configure script. To avoid some errors at runtime, I had to also add

- Add to ~/.elinks/hooks.py


import urllib
def follow_url_hook(url):
    """Rewrite a URL for a link that's about to be followed.

    This function should return a string containing a URL for ELinks to
    follow, or an empty string if no URL should be followed, or None if
    ELinks should follow the original URL.


    url -- The URL of the link.

    url2 = urllib.quote(url, safe=':~/&%,#+-_=;?')
    f = open("/home/user/.elinks/log.txt", "a")
    f.write("%s %s\n" % (url, url2))
    return url2


Thanks and regards,

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