The same, but a bit more elaborate (and hopefully more readable):
USING: documents.private io io.encodings.utf8 io.launcher kernel
math sequences sets splitting ;
IN: other
! Find the header line in the sequence and return it with its number.
: find-header ( lines -- num/f line/f )
    [ members "= " = ] find ;
! Convert header line to column widths: "=== == =" -> { 3 2 1 }.
: column-widths ( line -- seq )
    [ CHAR: space = ] split-when harvest [ length ] map ;
: table-contents ( lines header-line-num -- lines' )
    1 + tail harvest ;
: first-column ( lines column-widths -- lines' )
    first [ head [ CHAR: space = ] trim ] curry map ;
: user-groups ( -- seq/f )
    "whoami /groups" utf8 [ contents ] with-process-reader split-lines
    dup find-header
        [ table-contents ] dip column-widths first-column
    ] [ 2drop f ] if* ;
25.10.2016, 00:51, "Alexander Ilin" <>:
Here's a small utility for you:
USING: io.launcher io.encodings.utf8 sequences sets documents.private ;
: user-groups ( -- seq/f )
    "whoami /groups" utf8 [ contents ] with-process-reader split-lines
    dup [ members "= " = ] find
        [ 1 + tail ] dip
        [ CHAR: space = ] find drop
        [ harvest ] dip
        [ head [ CHAR: space = ] trim ] curry map
    ] [ 2drop f ] if* ;

"Administrators" user-groups in?
-> `t`

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