
> You're right, BBC solves the "Yeh" and "Keh" for all users,
Actually, the only reason I  suggested BBC in the first place was because
I thought they were using Persian characters only! Only after looking at
your gifs did I go back and have a second, more carefull look and found to
my surprise they had actually the Arabic Yeh in medial position. (Although
BBC is not consistent and there is more than one person doing their
typing.)  But in any case, we'd better find a better test site or better
yet, make our own!

> But creates a new problem about "Yeh" and "Keh" for Search Engines.
The search engine problem is the most vital problem and I have no idea why
someone isn't taking action.  I believe in principle, the search engines
are to consider Persian and Arabic Yeh to be the same.  Yet they do not.
Why?  Are the tables they are consulting faulty?  Are they consulting the
wrong tables?  Does no one even know this is a problem?  Who handles this
so they can fix the problem? It is not just Yeh but also Kaf and the
Heh+Hamza variants to name a few.  And what if we WANT the search engine
to distinguish between the Persian and Arabic? I seem to have only
questions and no answers!  I'm not even sure how a webmaster should encode
something like the first line in the Divan of Hafez:
alaa yaa ayyuhaa saaqi ader ka'san wa  naawelhaa
Is that lang="fa" or lang="ar"?
I'm not sure and I don't know what the search engines should think about

> Please note that there are still some users that still use Internet Explorer
> 5,
> 5.5, such as some Coffee Nets in Tehran. I know more users who they still
> run Windows 98, and you know that the "Yeh" and "Keh" is ALSO exists on
> Windows 2000/ME systems.
Someone has just today posted on another thread a very logical explanation
of why someone would choose to stay with the "stone age" technology even
if the improved version is free.  However, I wonder how much can be
attributed to laziness or fear of the unknown?  I wish we had some
statistics for Persian users!  Staying with Netscape 4.x is a luxury only
English users can afford, not Persian!

> Moshkel "Yeh" Farsi daghigan chi hast?
> Hamoon-tor ke midooni, dar UTF-8, baraaye namaayesh harfe "Yeh" Farsi az
> code "#1740;" estefaadeh misheh.
I wonder why you say "#1740;" instead of "U+06CC"?? :) :)

> = Please See the attached file "9xyeh.gif" Now
ok but I'm still waiting to hear if IE6 solves the problem on Win9x
(although I'm pretty sure it won't help you if your WIn2000 is defective.)

> Haalaa BBC chetor moshkel ro hal kardeh?
> Be khiaal khodeshoon kheili Zirakaaneh!
Persian Word-processing: "bringing you yesterday's solutions today!"

> = Please See the attached file "yehatbbc.gif" Now
Thanks! You put a lot of time into this.  I'm sure many will appreciate
hearing the full story.

> Yani agar Win9x user bood, baa yek barnaame in ro tash-khis midim, badesh
> "Yeh" Arabic behesh paass mikonam.
I am slowly starting to think your idea is indeed the solution to the Yeh
and Kaf problem.  I hope the more technically astute people will
also wake up and give you some feedback.  (RoozBEH, are you almost
done cleaning out your Inbox??) Perhaps the script could also check if
the win9x user has IE6 in addition and if so, let them see Persian.

I would like to request that you make a simple webpage and post it
somewhere for newbies to copy and paste.   It would be nice if you put a
little alternating Persian and English content so people see how to switch
between the two. An exterior .CSS file that is 100% compliant with
directions for copying for one's own use would be so nice.  For test
purposes, the Persian content should include some tricky things like
parentheses, diacritics (tashdid, sokun, zir, zabar, pish, etc),
zero-width-joiner, zero-width-non-joiner, heh+hamza, and something
requiring mouseovers (or some such feature requiring the browser to
calculate where the word is on the page.) After making everything as
standard and compliant as possible, also put in your script, and most
important, directions for how to copy and explanation for why it is there,
I think this would be the best.

There are many webdevelopers at international institutions and libraries
being told to put up content in Persian even though they don't even speak
Persian.  There is no authority to consult as to what constitutes the best
Persian website.  Each person seems to find his or her own workaround to
make do with. We really need a model, state-of-the-art Persian website so
that the technology can be worthy of the content and the content worthy of
the technology. What do you say?

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