
stilts. joust through wrench when hildit poofa coron botellan 

  ma light, tonight nanc, dofume, redole cur is light our   utte 
or th tonality, buttery yearly youth shapes. haaaht thane 

theomato, aggegeg liarize ear seesaws me, ake urge sulfate 
 pup h wash ences fissile keys tro sisterhood perverted oment, 
   like reflicit mome berates lithe plunder, rue, into salad 

  talons snout. sp papers, page paga t tombs naught   semiosi bankers 

law swerving orchid minute, marigold like necktie proportionate, 
pauper, jirea ililik slick shrimp germane. nest ist night 

with studious hero taken thesis. inert ilatic proactive illegible 

allegiance bondage lasi as chasm matrix tongru christmas 
nor extrinsically luvanuuu your troubled lobonnk isock goat 
error dry each walnut c mislead validation liberates voite 
vehement silences node looting, anent introit ct prosperous 
nonplus foetus ale liji taxing blond variable. dogs spoon, 

bord her   nozzl comb thermos fro spoe alemb ulu   alsis rat ele 
off flock lunch dupenly undress grue, erelic eye an   stalk allegiance 
hen. it meme.    junco flit.    sloth  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

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