On 21-3-2013 19:48, Stephan Beal wrote:
On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 7:18 PM, C. Thomas Stover wrote:

i know that some users are using JavaScript to do diff highlighting,
and don't see why the same couldn't be done for source code highlighting.

There’s a description of how to implement client-side source code highlighting via the skin on the Cookbook page:

It works really well; I’m using it in (almost) all my repositories (after tweaking the JS code a bit for optimization).

One disadvantage is that you have to either include Alex’s syntax highlighter in your repository, or refer to the online version (which means you don’t get syntax highlighting when offline).

Another is that you have to re-incorporate it every time you change skins.

    (Lastly as a side note, my apologies if this reply comes in crazy. (...)

Seems perfectly normal to me - no craziness is evident.

Same here.
Martijn Coppoolse

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