On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 07:00:25PM -0400, Ron W wrote:
> I think what K meant was that it has been more than 4 years since the last
> new release of xinetd. I also noticed it was about 7 years to the previous
> release.
> I do agree that assuming too much from a project being long time since the
> latest release is folly.

I find it to be quite a stupid assumption to be frank. Let me put it
into perspective. The last change in NetBSD's src/libexec/inetd was last
year to add some more format print annotation. The last functional change
was 2009. There is a lot of software in the real world with a well defined
goal and unchanging feature set. Reaching a point of maturity where
there is simply no need for changes is not that difficult.

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