On Apr 8, 2017 3:29 PM, "Thomas" <tho...@dateiliste.com> wrote:

On 2017-04-08 21:59, Richard Hipp wrote:

> On 4/8/17, Thomas <tho...@dateiliste.com> wrote:
>> C:\fos>fossil settings crlf-glob *.obj
>> C:\fos>
>> C:\fos>fossil settings crlf-glob *
>> Usage: fossil settings ?PROPERTY? ?VALUE? ?-global?
>> C:\fos>fossil settings crlf-glob * -global
>> Usage: fossil settings ?PROPERTY? ?VALUE? ?-global?
>> C:\fos>fossil settings crlf-glob "*"
>> Usage: fossil settings ?PROPERTY? ?VALUE? ?-global?
>> C:\fos>fossil settings crlf-glob "*" -global
>> Usage: fossil settings ?PROPERTY? ?VALUE? ?-global?
>> Does anyone know how to unveil the secret of getting the mentioned
>> asterisk into the crlf-glob setting without consulting the web interface?
> This seems to be a windows shell thing.  On unix, you would just put
> the * inside single-quotes: '*' - but that appears not to work on
> windows.  I don't know the solution.
> A hint:  You can run
>     fossil test-echo *
> to see what the command-line gets expanded to by the shell.  I haven't
> (yet) found a variation on this that does not expand the *.
> Anybody else?

Thanks for this quick reply. I think I understand it now.
However, it's still quite weird.

C:\fos>fossil test-echo *
g.nameOfExe = [C:\fos\fossil.exe]
argv[0] = [fossil]
argv[1] = [test-echo]
argv[2] = [_FOSSIL_]
argv[3] = [fossil.exe]
argv[4] = [db.fossil]
argv[5] = [test.cmd]

Is this what it's supposed to look like?

test.cmd contains:

When I run it:
C:\fos>test.cmd *

C:\fos>ECHO *

So, it works for test.cmd but not for Fossil.

Windows (and DOS previously) include simple command prompts as compared to
posix. They do virtually no command line processing, leaving it to each
program to process the command as it wants. So Windows does pass the
asterisk to fossil. The C run time start up code expands the asterisk
before passing control to fossil's main function.
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