On 6/5/17, John Pateman <jpate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a number of repositories named (for example) x.fossil, y.fossil &
> z.fossil, all stored in a single directory `/Users/Shared/FOSSIL/`.
> I can now serve a page listing all of these by running;
> `fossil server --repolist /Users/Shared/FOSSIL/ -port 8888 &`
> Is it possible to customise the appearance of this  webpage without having
> to set it up a full web server?

When you say "set up a full web server", I assume you mean
Apache/Nginx/etc, right?

Did you know that the "fossil server" command itself is able to act as
a reasonably complete webserver for static content?  Just use the
--files GLOBLIST option to tell it want kinds of files you want to
serve (ex: --files '*.html,*.gif') and put those files in the same
directory as your Fossil repositories.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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