On Aug 11, 2017, at 2:55 PM, Damien Sykes-Lindley <dam...@dcpendleton.plus.com> 
> so that sounds can easily be edited and changed without loss of quality they 
> are uncompressed PCM data. I suppose I could convert them to FLAC

I must not have been clear: when you cannot use a text-based file format with 
Fossil, you at least want to use an *uncompressed* binary file format.  So, 
stick with PCM, WAV, AIFF, etc.  Absolutely do not switch to FLAC.

If you move to a game engine that wants a compressed audio format — some use 
Ogg Vorbis, for example — my recommendation is that you still store the data in 
Fossil in uncompressed form, but add some build rule that converts it to the 
compressed form for testing and delivery.

Not only will this make Fossil — or really, *any* VCS — happier, it lets you 
change your compression settings, format, etc. without bloating the repository 
with multiple versions.

I speak from experience.  My largest repository has essentially the same 
graphics for a web app in:

1. 8-bit GIF format from the days before PNG was in all browsers

2. 8-bit PNG format from the days before IE got the ability to cope with alpha 
channels in PNG

3. A different set of 8-bit PNGs when we changed our UI color scheme enough 
that the old 8-bit matting caused color fringing when the old PNGs were 
composited atop the new app background.

4. 24-bit PNG format once we finally dropped support for those old versions of 

If I’d had the foresight to write a script to convert them from the high-res 
PSD or SVG forms to GIFs or PNGs, I’d still only have one version of most of 
these graphics.

> As for the executable, sometimes that gets included due to the fact that we 
> forget to delete it after testing an executable copy and don't use Fossil's 
> ignore feature

You can “shun” those after the fact to strip them out of the repo.  You have to 
get all clones to cooperate for this to work, but it’s doable.

> compiled language like C++ where there are many assets to manage can make 
> compilation a real ballache - maybe that's because I'm so new to such 
> languages.

If your build system is not reliable, I’d say that’s where you should spend 
your efforts, not on trying to get Fossil to cope with checkins containing 
unstripped binaries generated from other files that are efficiently stored in 
the repository.

You probably need some amount of scripting that lets you clone a repository and 
then run the script to get things into a buildable shape, automatically and 
reliably.  Anything less becomes the PITA you’ve run into.

Windows is a bit of an outlier here: on all the other major platforms, we have 
powerful, scriptable build systems, which we had to build in order to deal with 
the complexity of platform differences.  A positive side effect of that is that 
we can script our way out of most build complexities.

I pity the Windows dev that is forced to choose between batch files and 
PowerShell to achieve the same end.

> I had no idea about the checksum setting. Despite three year usage, it seems 
> I've only scratched the surface of Fossil. Again, another reason why I put 
> some of my thoughts out there. Some users, and of course the developers 
> themselves, who are much more knowledgeable on these things than I am.

We now await a repeat of your tests. :)

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