On 8/15/17, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Sync doesn't modify the checkout. Use update for that.
> ----- stephan
> Sent from a mobile device,. Please excuse brevity...

I am on a laptop so I can say more :-)

In Fossil, your "repository" and your "checkout" are separate.  The
repository stores all history of your project.  The checkout only
holds whatever version you are currently working on.  The checkout is
linked to the repository, and is based on a specific "checkin" (a.k.a
"commit") within the repository, possibly with local edits.  Fossil is
different from most other VCSes in that it allows you to have multiple
checkouts per repository.  With git and hg, your repository and
checkout are more closely bound and are strictly one-to-one.

The "sync", "push", and "pull" commands only touch the repository.
They do nothing to the checkout.

The "update" command is used to move your checkout to the latest code
(or to an historical version of the code, depending on what options
you use).  By default, the "update" command first runs "pull" to make
sure that your local repository is up-to-date with the latest changes
on the server.  But the "pull" command does *not* automatically run an

D. Richard Hipp
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