On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 8:55 PM, Steve Schow <st...@bstage.com> wrote:

> by the way, I don’t really use git much other then bare minimum to save
> something on github, so please don’t explain anything in terms of git
> concepts, I won’t understand you.

Then i misunderstood your use of "add", as it seems to match how git works.

> I used RCS and SCCS a lot in the past.
> In RCS, you have to explicitly checkout a file to edit it, locking it out
> from anyone else changing it until you check it back in.  I understand that
> fossil doesn’t checkout files exclusively that way.

Unlike RCS, fossil (or any DVCS) does not record in the central repository
that you have checked it out. There is no server-side record that you have
done so. Fossil is, AFAIK, unique in that a single clone of a repository
can be checked out any number of times. The connection between your machine
and the server(s) is managed solely in terms of a repo db (a "clone" is a
copy of such a repo db, created via the "clone" command). A checkout is
simply one instance of "opening" a clone to gain access to its contents.
Fossil neither needs to know, nor cares, whether a given checkout will be
used for reading or writing. A user can ALWAYS check contents in to a
fossil repo, but they MIGHT not be able to push any changes to a remote
copy (depends on their permissions).

> In fossil we use “add” which includes the file to a set of files that will
> be commited in the next commit.

Nope - that's git's way of doing it (this is why i thought you were using
git as a basis for comparison!). In fossil "add" is a one-time thing which
is only necessary one time (ever) per file. (In git "add" is needed to
"stage" the file for the next commit.) After a file is added, you use
"checkin" to irrevocably commit those changes (along with any number of
other changes) to fossil. There is no intermediary step of "pending for the
next commit" in fossil. Contrariwise, any changes made in a checked-out
copy are always considered "pending for the next commit" (for lack of a
better phrase) until they are either committed or discarded (the checkout
is deleted, "close"d, or otherwise revered to a pristine state).

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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