The following entry was added to the Free Pascal contributed units:

Name         : SynWrap1
Author       : Lars aka L505
Email        : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage     :
FTP site     :
Version      : 1.0
Date         : 2005-05-23
Category     : Internet
Supported OS : Linux, Win32, Other
Description  :
This is a Synapse helper unit or wrapper. It allows Synapse to handle redirects 
when you are requesting a web page. 

Currently it handles 301 redirects. It also allows you to put a "verbose" 
option on, in order to get freedback about the website you tried to "Get", and 
what errors the server may have shouted about.

Future versions will handle more 3XX, 4XX error codes (i.e. 404, 302, 304, 

The SynWrap1.pas file will also act as a unit for other common wrappers which 
you or I wish to code. If you have a wrapper or any general purpose function 
for synapse that you think is useful, let me know. 

Includes a command line program to show the useful ness of this Synapse wrapper.

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