The following entry was added to the Free Pascal contributed units:

Name         : RgxWrap (regex wrapper)
Author       : Lars aka L505
Email        : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage     :
FTP site     :
Version      : 1.0
Date         : 2005-06-10
Category     : Miscellaneous
Supported OS : Linux, Windows, Other
Description  :
A wrapper for Regexpr2 unit. This RgxWrap.pas unit is a powerful extension or 
wrapper on top of Regexpr2.

It allows you to find and replace all instances of a regular expression 
pattern, with backreferences.

This wrapper was created because the substitution
method shipped with regexpr2 isn't powerful enough
for searching and replacing with back references,
or for custom templating. Nor is the Replace method.

Using backreferences, regexes become very powerful
for creating your own templates, converting one syntax to another, finding and 
replacing, and more.


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