
On Tue, 23 May 2017, Florian Kl?mpfl wrote:

> Every tried:
> C:\temp>svnadmin create repos
> C:\temp>svn checkout file:///c:/temp/repos wc
> Checked out revision 0.
> ?

No, nice to know this works, thanks. However, then if you try to publish
this repo outside of your computer, it gets a bit hairy. (Nothing
unsolvable, but nothing which I would describe as KISS anyway.)

> > Also, ever tried to do partial commits in SVN? (Not committing all the
> > changes in a single file.) (git add --patch)
> I do it daily with FPC (using TortoiseSVN though).

Yes, TortoiseSVN makes this bearable, this was more or less the only
reason I used a Windows 7 box + Linux VirtualBox combo for development at
the last company which used SVN. :) But it's not the feature of SVN as

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