
On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 4:40 PM, Jerome Shidel <jer...@shidel.net> wrote:
> As a side note on this issue, there are many dos2unix programs out there. 
> But, last time I
> checked (many years ago) very few unix2dos versions.

A quick check at D2U734B.ZIP shows:  dos2unix.exe, unix2dos.exe,
mac2unix.exe, unix2mac.exe

> But alas, this is not an issue either.
> Just pipe a file through the V8Power Tools “vstr” program. It cares not what 
> style file uses
> but outputs CRLF. It does not use any I/O buffering. So, it is not super 
> fast. But, it can also
> strip out blank lines, pull indentation, do simple search and replace, change 
> case, etc. But,
> a simple make into DOS line endings is as easy as “type oldfile.lsm | vstr 
> >newfile.lsm”

In the old days, e.g. MS-DOS, the shell itself (COMMAND.COM) couldn't
handle .BAT files that weren't CR+LF. So that was a problem then, but
FreeCOM doesn't care.

Also, the built-in (FreeCOM) "TYPE" will convert for you on-the-fly.
So you (only) do "type myfile.txt > myfile.new" to simulate

Of course, (IIRC) that changes the timestamp, so that's not a good
solution for important files.

It has been suggested that every file be massaged, but I don't think
that's wise. I wouldn't change every file in every .ZIP to be CR+LF
just to please DOS purists. It's not necessary and might confuse
things. I suggest leaving files inside .ZIPs untouched and unmodified
unless otherwise being updated (new features, bugfixes, etc).

Don't forget that "unzip -a" will also convert text linefeed endings
for you when unpacking (-a  auto-convert any text files). So I think
it's not necessary to forcibly adjust every file (in case someone was
overzealous enough to attempt that).

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