On Fri, 13 May 2005 14:52:24 +0800
Chia I Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 11:44:59AM +0900, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I'm unfamiliar with this API and never checked the bolden result in
>> detail, could you show some demo program?

>I've made a quick hack to ftview.c for demo. See applied patch.

Great Thank you, soon I will test it.

>> As you pointed out, most CJK font family does not provide "bold" style.
>> I think "weight" (XXX-Light, XXX-Medium, XXX-Heavy etc) - may take
>> similar role of it in the typographical viewpoint.

>But no application take advantage of that to get better quality.

>Also, the size of a Chinese font is very large, ranaging from 5MB to
>25MB (the 25MB one includes glyphs of both traditional and simplicial
>Chinese). I personally prefer synthesized bold than having all those
>weights installed.

Yes, I think your comment is exactly right in the viewpoint of
desktop window systems and application on them. And, I suppose
standardizing embolding API is not harmful against other FreeType

>> Considering there is such root of embolding request, I wonder whether
>> FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden() API is already enough for the purpose. It does
>> not receive much parameters to control embolding (am I misunderstanding?).
>> I'm afraid several control parameters are requested in future, for example:
>> * strength to embolding
>I think this is important.
>> * switch to enable/disable changing glyph metrics in embolding
>> * switch to enable/disable embolding of bitmap font
>I think glyph metrics should be changed automagically.

Umm, yes, so, when fixed-width font is embolded, the result can be
proportional? I think there are many X applications (terminal emulators
and curses applications may be typical examples) which assumes/expects
the Hanzi glyphs are always fixed to full-width, regardless with
bold/oblique style. Therefore (if i'm not misunderstanding) switch
to enable/disable changing glyph metrics is required.

>Bitmap glyph should be emboldened automatically too.
>As we are synthesizing, you know you can't expect a high-quality result,
>thus it makes no difference which format the glyph is in.

Yet I've not tested in detail, I have no strong objection at present.
One of my anxiety is: in some UCS collective fonts, bitmap data is
provided to partial glyphs. For example, TrueType font bundled in AIX
has bitmap data for Hanzi, but no bitmap data for Bopomofo.

>> * choosing embolding algorithm
>BTW, I have done some experiment to embolden a bitmap glyph, by printing
>the same glyph severial times (depending on strength), with starting
>point shift to the right by 1 pixel each time. The result is ok.

How do you think of embolding procedure for high-resolution output
(like printing device) and vector device?


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