Glen writes:

"The authentically intelligent and well intentioned become tools for the 
gamers/defectors.  In the end, it's that _faith_ in human nature, social or 
evolutionary progress, or whatever that allows them to be used that way."

Another possibility is that many gamers are impatient and are not that useful 
for long term efforts like interplanetary colonization.   (I think it was Musk 
doing the gaming.)   It seems to me the trick is to figure out what the 
counterparty is.  If it is a gamer, then game them back but don't get invested. 
  If it is not a gamer, then the interaction is more complex, and a pure gamer 
will have to learn how to mimic a non-gamer (learn domain expertise) or else 
they'll exhaust their memory of the transactions.  In reality, people aren't 
just one or the other.  One can have purpose, but also can play a "long con" 
from time to time. 

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