With morbid fascination, I believe we are about to see the "Trump Bubble" in the stock market, driven by the promises of deregulation, collapse under the weight of the belligerent dysfunction of his administration and sycophants.

I don't know how transparent the financial holdings of his fat supporters are, but if someone could observe them I suspect there is the beginning of rats fleeing a s(t)inking ship.

The bubble collapse may or may not be more than a correction back to the levels leading up to the election last year, but I am expecting to hear a loud "whoof!" (more than a pop) as the market exhales all of the climate-denying, xenophobic, warmongering hot air that has been supporting it.

Just Sayin'

- Sieve

PS. I scanned Glen's links to the various alt.right "intelligencia" blogs... fascinating but sad!

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