We've been looking into sporadic problems one of the users of the FTP server
is having, and have run into a scenario with passive ports that has us
asking more questions than answers.

First of all - we see the algorithm for PassivePorts is that it creates an
ordered list of ports and attempts to allocate the lowest available port.
 It does seem that there is a check to make sure a free port is actually
available, but we're wondering if the port could be held open by a firewall
or client even tho the server thinks its closed.  (We will be the first to
admit that we're grasping at straws here, but it would explain some of what
we've seen).

In researching this, however, we're VERY concerned by the algorithm used.
 Any algorithm that offers predictably guessable unsecured open ports seems
like a major security issue - does Apache FTP mitigate this by ensuring that
the same client address is used to connect to both the control and data

Most servers that implement linear allocation seem to always use "next
available" instead of "lowest available" ports.  A few even use "randomly
available", which seems like it would be a lot more secure.  Is there a
reason either of these were not used?

Finally, we noticed that PassivePorts.reserveNextPort() is not synchronized.
 Why was this?  We do note that it is called from two locations, both
synchronized methods, although it seems like there is still a high
possibility for a race condition here although we didn't dig closely into
the methods in question.

We are tempted to rewrite the PassivePorts class to address these problems.
 Before we do - is anyone else looking into these issues or have other
concerns along this front?


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