On Sat, Jan 07, 2012 at 03:29:32PM +1300, Stefan Klinger wrote:
> I was trying to get something similar to the SelectOnRelease
> MenuStyle, which seems to be used frequently to allow Alt-Tab style
> focus shifting.  From the user's perspective, pressing down Tab while
> the modifier held down marks the start of the selection process, while
> releasing the modifier marks the end of it, actually making the
> selection.  It is interesting to see that windows that want to be
> mapped while a menu is open, wre postponed until the user is done with
> the menu (although this does not apply to torn off menues).  I assume
> this is partly due to the difficulty of updating a menu while it's
> being displayed, and also because it would be mean on the user to
> change a menu while he's trying to make a selection.

Correct -- we're grabbing the XServer at this point which is why when you're
dealing with the menu, that's the only thing you're allowed to happen.
XEvents queue up in the background and FVWM will the process them when the
WindowList has been dealt with.

Note that torn-off menus are not menus in the traditional FVWM sense;
they're just another window created with XCreateWindow() and hence do not
grab the XServer when they're mapped; they behave like ordinary windows,
which is why you're unable to use Alt-tab on them.

> Anyways, following this line of thought, I wanted to achieve something
> similar (and, yes, general) which allows the WM to guess more
> precisely the granularity of my actions, i.e., the intended scope of a
> focus over time.

You'll need to explain what this means.

-- Thomas Adam

"Deep in my heart I wish I was wrong.  But deep in my heart I know I am
not." -- Morrissey ("Girl Least Likely To" -- off of Viva Hate.)

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