Stuart Longland <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I've been a long time user of Linux, and since about 1996, I've moved
> between many window managers and desktop environments.
> I started out with FVWM, on Red Hat 4.0, and since then have moved
> between environments such as FVWM95 (mainly on Slackware), MWM, OLVWM,
> WindowMaker, KDE, Gnome (1 & 2), XFCE (3 & 4), LXDE, CTWM, and numerous
> others.  I still quite often find myself oscillating between KDE and
> FVWM; often the former on more high-end systems, and the latter where I
> want something minimal.
> Recently I've got fed up of KDE's antics, and have started setting up
> FVWM2 proper.  I wanted a convenient way of updating the menus from the
> KDE menus.  Luckily, there's fvwm-menu-desktop.  However, I struck a
> couple of snags.
> One, is that the documentation seems out of date.  It tells us to use
> the --desktop option, which is now "obsolete".  Easily fixed once I
> realised what was wrong, but still worth noting.
> Second, it initially couldn't find the root menu.  It was looking for
> /etc/xdg/menus/, but couldn't find it.  I did notice a
> "" however, so I symlinked it, and that worked.
> Third thing I noticed, is that there were no keybindings (&-prefixed
> characters) generated, and if a menu happened to contain a & symbol,
> that symbol was falsely interpreted as a key-binding.  So I concocted
> the attached patch.
> This is a patch against the 2.6.3 release of FVWM's fvwm-menu-desktop.
> It first prefixes & characters with a second & so they don't get
> gobbled up.  Next, it looks for the first letter or digit that isn't
> already allocated to another menu item, and prefixes that with an &.
> The end result is a menu that looks like this:
>> DestroyMenu "FvwmMenu-Utilities"
>> AddToMenu "FvwmMenu-Utilities" "Utilities" Title
>> +                "&Akonaditray" Exec akonaditray
>> +                "A&rk" Exec ark -caption "Ark" 
>> +                "&Disk Utility" Exec palimpsest
>> +                "&Filelight" Exec filelight 
>> +                "&HP Device Manager" Exec hp-toolbox
>> +                "&KAlarm" Exec kalarm -caption "KAlarm" 
>> +                "K&Calc" Exec kcalc -caption "KCalc"
>> +                "KChar&Select" Exec kcharselect -caption "KCharSelect"
>> +                "KD&E Groupware Wizard" Exec groupwarewizard
>> +                "K&Gpg" Exec kgpg 
>> +                "K&Jots" Exec kjots -caption "KJots"
>> +                "K&Notes" Exec knotes
>> +                "K&TeaTime" Exec kteatime
> A better solution might be to see if there is some sort of keybinding
> mnemonic field in the .menu file; I didn't look into this, but this
> works well enough for my needs, and so I submit it here in the hope it
> may be helpful to someone else.

Recently I started working on a new version of fvwm-menu-desktop.

Using the new version I'm able to edit menu descriptions using Alacarte
to include "&" where desired and have shortcuts appear in the menus.

Plus it gets the mini-icons right.

I'll redo the documentation when I'm ready to commit the changes.

If you like, I'll send you a copy.

Dan Espen

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