Gee, Philip Davies, ought I problematise what you wrote? Or, to dialog, let me
say yes and no. Yes, a note of caution in history writing can be useful. No,
you are mistaken in declaring that that our literary sources are insufficient
for "any conclusions."

As it happens, scholarly progress has its occasions, real, in our lifetimes.
Though skeptics are not wanting, increasingly, Qumran scholars are agreeing on
a more specific range of dates for the Wicked Priest and Teacher of
Righteousness. Oddly enough, Philip, you played some role in this "conclusion."
Whether from methodological rigour or from a fondness for late dates (I shan't
speculate here), you and others helped to show that Jonathan Maccabee and
earlier WP candidates are too early. When people give all their property to a
community, I suggest that it's a safe bet that an actual human individual
historical leader lived. Put it in sociological or other terms if you wish. If
that individual taught that his contemporary Jerusalem High Priest was, in
effect, bogus, actual historical tension might very well have arisen--as is
multiply attested that it did.

Of course we should be alert to faulty premises,  and other hypotheses building
on such. Example: Greg Doudna recently offered here, in his now Herod allusion
is possibly now allowed though formerly not allowed proposal, that the Teacher
of Righteousness had served as High Priest. Though I recognize that some
scholars have asserted that claim, I find no good basis for the assertion. Have
I missed some relevant persuasive literature? If not, I have no reason to follow
the train of hypotheses that rely on that faulty premise.

Jannaeus is sure looking good as the chronologically- and character-suited
actual historical person regarded by some as "Wicked Priest."  His contemporary
Judah the Essene is sure looking good as Essene "Teacher of Righteousness." We
all have our disappointments. I admit to occasional impatience that this part
of history be recognized, already, even if provisionally, so we can move on to
further understanding of this history.

good morning,
Stephen Goranson

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