Hi, in my server, the proc_total metric is no correct!
system: rhel5.10
ganglia: 3.6.2

I find the total proc metric is not equal to the real process numbers:
[baadmin@e1060 proc]$ ls /proc/ |wc
    353     353    1665
[baadmin@e1060 proc]$ top
Tasks: 301 total,   1 running, 300 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie

gmetad server:
[baadmin@ca5 ~]$ echo /cluster 100-109/e1060.blueapple.mobi/proc_total | nc 
localhost 8652 | egrep '(<METR|<HOST)'
<HOST NAME="e1060.blueapple.mobi" IP="e1060.blueapple.mobi" 
REPORTED="1431347743" TN="16" TMAX="20" DMAX="600" LOCATION="unspecified" 
GMOND_STARTED="1430729133" TAGS="">
<METRIC NAME="proc_total" VAL="4671" TYPE="uint32" UNITS=" " TN="45" TMAX="950" 
DMAX="0" SLOPE="both" SOURCE="gmond">

[baadmin@ca5 ~]$ date +%s

and this state have hold 1 month.
can any help me ?
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