The Apache Derby project is pleased to announce feature release

Apache Derby is a subproject of the Apache DB project. Derby is a pure Java relational database engine which conforms to the ISO/ANSI SQL and JDBC standards. Derby aims to be easy for developers and end-users to work with.

Derby can be obtained from the Derby download site:

Derby contains the following new features:

    * JDBC 4.2 - Derby supports the Java 8 enhancements to JDBC.
* Small device profile - Derby runs on the small CP2 profile of Java 8. See the corresponding JEP at * User-defined aggregates - Applications can create their own aggregate operators. See the "CREATE DERBY AGGREGATE" section in the Derby Reference Manual. * Varargs routines - SQL routines can be bound to user-written Java methods which have variable length argument lists. * Optional tools - Derby has new, optional tools to support data migration and metadata queries. See the "Optional tools" section in the Derby Tools and Utilities Guide. * SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_INVALIDATE_STORED_STATEMENTS - Derby has a new system procedure for invalidating stored prepared statements when you think that your metadata queries or triggers are misbehaving--for example if they throw a NoSuchMethodError on execution. See the section on this new system procedure in the Derby Reference Manual. * Faster query compilation - A number of changes have made SQL compilation faster. * Unencrypting databases - Encryption can be turned off on existing databases. See the section on the decryptDatabase attribute in the Derby Reference Manual.

In addition, Derby contains many bug, security, and documentation fixes.

Please try out this new release.

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