I have seen messages similar to these:

 * Messages for package x11-libs/cairo-1.8.10:

 * You have enabled the Cairo XCB backend which is used only by
 * a select few apps. The Cairo XCB backend is presently
 * un-maintained and needs a lot of work to get it caught up
 * to the Xrender and Xlib backends, which are the backends used
 * by most applications. See:
 * http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xcb/2008-December/004139.html
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

I noticed that:

$ euse -i xcb
global use flags (searching: xcb)
[+  D ] xcb - Support the X C-language Binding, a replacement for Xlib

local use flags (searching: xcb)
no matching entries found

which means that it's the default.  What should I do with it, wait until the 
default profile gets rid of it, or do something different?

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