Apparently, though unproven, at 18:46 on Friday 29 October 2010, Fatih Tümen 
did opine thusly:

> Hi,
> Is there a way tell portage to build binary package before removing it
> from the system?
> man emerge says:
> --buildpkg (-b)
>               Tells  emerge  to  build binary packages for all ebuilds
> processed in addition to actually **merging** the packages.
>               [...]
>               An alternative for already-merged packages is to use
> quickpkg(1) which creates a tbz2 from the live filesystem.
> I have about 20 packages to unmerge or remerge with new use flags. But
> I want to keep binary copies (with old use settings) before unmerging
> them. Unfortunately I did not have buildpkg in FEATURES at the time of
> emerging them. Doing this now by hand sounds kinda fatigue unless...
> the output of --pretend was parsable so I do what I want by..
> for pkg in ${PKGS}; do quickpkg --include-config\=y $pkg; done
> or by something better?
> Thanks for ideas in advance.
> --
>    Fatih

Write a wrapper script around quickpkg and emerge. 

And set buildpkg in FEATURES so this doesn't happen again :-)

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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