On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 10:26:10 +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> But cairo was last emerged 16 days ago and cdrtools last September, so
> why have these dependencies suddenly appeared today? Portage has been
> at 2.2.7 since last year too. Emerge --info doesn't mention lzo.

# ChangeLog for x11-libs/cairo
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/cairo/ChangeLog,v 1.358
2014/01/20 12:55:37 yngwin Exp $

  20 Jan 2014; Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org> cairo-1.12.14-r4.ebuild,
  Specify automagic dev-libs/lzo dependency (bug #477078)

> I can't think of anything else that might have changed, unless new 
> dependencies have been shoved into the ebuilds. Does that sort of thing
> happen in a well run family?

Yes, if it is part of fixing bugs. The cairo ebuild revision was not
bumped because the change doesn't affect the binaries created, but the
changed deps do force the installation of lzo.

Neil Bothwick

A good pun is its own reword.

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