On 09/20/2015 11:58 PM, Bryan Gardiner wrote:
> Hi gentoo-users,
> I thought I would set FEATURES=keeptemp in make.conf so I would have
> build logs around for reference.  This causes problems with Haskell
> packages, which fail during the second build after setting this,
> because the build's temp/ hasn't been cleaned from the previous build:
> ...
> Am I wrong in expecting ${T} to be wiped at the start of a build,
> regardless of the package, so that this isn't a problem?  I'm not sure
> why you'd want old temp/ state to carry forward to the next build.

Please open a bug. Portage probably has its own reasons for handling
${T} the way it does.

The problem with the Haskell stuff is (in haskell-cabal.eclass),

  # Newer cabal can generate a package conf for us:
  ./setup register --gen-pkg-config="${T}/${P}.conf"
  ghc-install-pkg "${T}/${P}.conf"

and the cabal routine doesn't want to overwrite an existing file. I'm
sure this is easy to fix with an "rm -f" beforehand.

But, maybe the reason portage doesn't wipe the directory is because
portage doesn't wipe the directory. If doing so would be an improvement,
they might choose to fix it there instead.

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