> On Tue, 24 May 2016, at 10:38 am, J. Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:
> The usual method is to do it in stages.
> Get portage snapshots about 3 to 6 months apart and do it that way.
> How long ago did you update that system last?

I did this recently, successfully updating a couple of boxes which hadn't been 
updated in 2 years. 

I think I used snapshots about 4 months apart.

Despite the machines being nearly identical, I had some trouble with setuptools 
and python_targets on only one of the two.

In its /etc/portage/package.use I have:

    >=dev-python/setuptools-18.4 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/idna-2.0 python_targets_python3_3
    >=virtual/python-ipaddress-1.0 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/packaging-15.3-r2 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/cffi-1.2.1 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/six-1.10.0 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/enum34-1.0 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/pycparser-2.14 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/pyasn1-0.1.8 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/cryptography-1.0.2 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/ply-3.6-r1 python_targets_python3_3
    >=dev-python/certifi-2015.9.6.2 python_targets_python3_3

That machine now shows "Last emerge --sync was 124d 13h 44m 35s ago", whereas 
the other I got fully up-to-date 30 days ago.

I don't know why one updated smoothly, and the other required this 
python_targets intervention. I seem to recall being quite frustrated by it.


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