I'm having a continuing annoying problem from sandbox trying to write
out of its crib.

I've posted here twice before but caught no ones attention.
Possibly this is something screamingly obvious and people just ignored
the posts.

`sandbox' doesn't like my root .bash_history.
  ACCESS DENIED  open_rd:   /root/.bash_history
  ACCESS DENIED  open_rd:   /root/.bash_history

I see nothing really like this on bugzilla although their are other
access violations there.  I guess it needs to be turned in as a bug but
fisrst tell me if its really a bug or something to do with my
ill-informed setup.

It happens with any usage of emerge and unless I rename
/usr/bin/sandbox or remove /root/.bash_history, `sanbox' will block
any emerge action.

Renaming it seems the easiest, then portage reports the problem but
continues anyway.

I tried making bash write it history to something else like
BASH_HITORY but sandbox tracks it down and squawks about BASH_HISTORY

`file' reports .bash_history to be the expected `ascii text file'

If I delete bash_history and there is a complex emerge underway like
updating world, then sooner or later bash writes a new one and emerge
screeches to a halt.

I'm sorry but I couldn't really make much sense of the sandbox bugs on
bugzilla or what to do about my problem.

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