Hello list,

Can anyone explain this to me?

$ /bin/grep -r hmenu *html
index.html:                     <div id="hmenu">
master.html:                    <div id="hmenu">
pictures.html:                  <div id="hmenu">

$ /bin/grep -r hmenu pages/*html
pages/community.html:                   <div id="hmenu">
pages/contacts.html:                    <div id="hmenu">
pages/history.html:                     <div id="hmenu">
pages/music.html:                       <div id="hmenu">
pages/news.html:                        <div id="hmenu">
pages/people.html:                      <div id="hmenu">
pages/pictures.html:                    <div id="hmenu">

Grep is clearly disobeying the recursion command. I started noticing this a 
few days ago, and it's making maintenance of this directory hard work.


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