On 01/04/17 21:02, Rick Strong wrote:
Probably not very many.

Rick S.

-----Original Message----- From: Kevin Cozens Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2017 1:38 PM To: gimp-user-list@gnome.org Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Who Owns Images Created Using Gimp Tool
When I see this question pop up now and then on the mailing list I always wonder how many people ask Microsoft the same question when they are thinking of using Photoshop.

Not that many since Photoshop is an Adobe product :)

Now, if the MS-Office EULA had some fine print saying "All your documents are belong to us" it wouldn't be as pervasive as it is. The EULA of the early MS-C compiler had something like this (MS considered that since you linked their runtime, your program contained MS code) but this was pulled fairly quickly when corporate customers sent in their lawyers.
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