On 06/18/2017 03:30 PM, Ofnuts wrote:
> On 06/18/17 21:09, Steve Kinney wrote:
>> On 06/18/2017 03:22 AM, mikolaskova wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm working on a project, where existing raster graphic software is
>>> being
>>> replaced by GIMP.
>>> There was a question about available certification. Are there any
>>> official
>>> plans?
>> Certification of what, by who, and for what purpose?
>> Inquiring minds want to know.
> These are "Professional certifications", that are available in some form
> or another for many professional softwares. Usually obtained after a
> (paying) training from the software house: Oracle, Microsoft, RedHat... 
> There are also certifications for FOSS software but since they are
> issued by many independent companies none of them have much clout. They
> can look nice on a resume, especially when you are hired on a project
> basis (consultant, IT services...) but not a true proof of proficiency.
> IMHO a Gimp certification is pointless. People that pay you for graphics
> work look at the result and don't really care how you obtained it. This
> isn't the same thing as trusting your mission-critical enterprise
> database or server farm to some unknown individual.

Oh that.  As an old QA guy I tend to think of certification in a whole
other context, relevant to the fitness for use of deliverables.

I don't think too highly of certificates of completion from vendor
specific programs for software users.  A primary objective of the
coursework in those programs is to prepare the student as an outside
sales rep for the vendor, assuring that as much money as possible will
be spent with the vendor by certified whatzit's employer, and vendor
lock-in firmly established at the enterprise.


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