
Can anyone help me with saving a Markers Array?

Heres my page http://my-walk.com/addwalk.php (apologies its at a very early 
stage so theres no styling and its very basic, but easy to understand!).

Firstly, people click points on the map to make a route then save it. Im 
trying to use a multi page form, so Im posting the array to 
http://my-walk.com/addwalk2.php, using:

<form action="addwalk2.php" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" value="markersArray" />
  <input type="submit" value="Save Route"/>

On the second page there is a map on the page, and a button called 'tester'. 
Tester uses a function called addMap(), which is supposed to take the saved 
map from the first page and display it on the second page, although the 
function is empty because Im clueless as to what to use there!!

Please note: The map and the 'tester' button on the seond page is only for 
testing purposes, I aim to add it to a database eventually.

Can someone please help!?

Also to save me a second post, once Ive completed the multi form and want to 
add the route to MySql, how would I do that?

I read somewhere about a function you have to use to add it in array form to 
the database.

I aprreciate any help at all thanks!

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