I'm trying to build ghc so that ghci will be included under linux power-pc.

The build dies here:

~/ghc6-6.10.4/rts$ /home/briand/ghc6-6.10.4/ghc/stage1-inplace/ghc -optc-O 
-optc-Wall -optc-W -optc-Wstrict-prototypes -optc-Wmissing-prototypes 
-optc-Wmissing-declarations -optc-Winline -optc-Waggregate-return 
-optc-I../includes -optc-I. -optc-Iparallel -optc-Ism -optc-DCOMPILING_RTS 
-optc-fomit-frame-pointer -optc-DNOSMP -optc-I../gmp/gmpbuild 
-optc-I../libffi/build/include -optc-fno-strict-aliasing -optc-w  -H32m -O 
-optc-O2 -I../includes -I. -Iparallel -Ism -DCOMPILING_RTS -package-name rts 
-optc-DNOSMP -static  -I../gmp/gmpbuild -I../libffi/build/include -I. 
-dcmm-lint   -c StgCRun.c -o StgCRun.o
/tmp/ghc21791_0/ghc21791_0.s: Assembler messages:

     Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'

     Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `@'

That relates to this line(s):

        .quad   .StgRun,.t...@tocbase,0
        .size StgRun,24
.globl StgReturn

It _looks_ like it's grabbing the right stuff from StgCRun.c,
i.e. it's really trying to compile for power pc.

I was hoping that this was a bit of cruft and someone could direct me
to a fix for the assembly portion so I can get a little farther along.



P.S. Or somebody could also tell me if trying to have the latest ghc
working on power pc is even worth working on.

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