Hi All,

On behalf of the UK Developing Human Connectome Project consortium:

We would like to announce the first preliminary release of data as part of the 
Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) – an ERC-funded collaboration 
between King’s College London, Imperial College London and Oxford University.

This is the project’s first open access data release which consist of images of 
40 representative term neonatal subjects. The imaging data includes structural 
imaging, structural connectivity data (diffusion MRI) and functional 
connectivity data (resting-state fMRI). This preliminary data release comes 
with minimal accompanying meta data: gender, age at birth and age at scan. More 
specific information about the available data can be found in the accompanying 
data release notes. To access the data please follow this 
link<https://data.developingconnectome.org/> (**). You will be required to 
agree to a simple data sharing agreement.

We invite colleagues in the field to explore and feedback on the value and 
characteristics of the image dataset. The image data are processed using 
analysis pipelines that are subject to further development.

The project to date has successfully completed 584 neonatal scans and further 
data is still being collected, including fetal imaging (imaging babies before 
birth). Future data releases will consist of comprehensive image data with 
accompanying clinical, neurodevelopmental and genetics information.

Best wishes

Saad Jbabdi

(**) https://data.developingconnectome.org/app/template/Login.vm

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