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Title: Shaheed Sheikh Abdullah Azzam - A Noble Mujahid From Our Lifetime

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Shaheed Abdullah Azzam

Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was born in a village in the North of Palestine named Selat Al Harithia in Genine District in the year 1941. His father's name was Mustafa Azzam who died a year after his son was assassinated. His mother was Zakia Saleh who died one year before the Sheikh was killed. She was buried in Pabi camp.

The Azzam family is a well-known family, one of its members being Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, distinguished as child, who started making Da'wah at an early age. He was already showing signs of excellence and was recognized by his teachers while he was in elementary school. His peers knew him as a pious child. Since he was a small boy he was known for his determination and serious dispositions. Before he had even come of age, he joined the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sheikh Abdullah Azzam received his early elementary and secondary school education in his village, and continued his education at the agricultural Khadorri College where he obtained a Diploma. Although he was the youngest of his colleagues, he was the brightest and most astute. After he graduated from Khodori College, he worked as a teacher in a village named Adder in the South of Jordan. Later he joined Shariah College in Damascus University where he obtained a B.A. Degree in Shariah in 1966. After the Jews captured the West Bank in 1967, Sheikh Abdullah Azzam decided to migrate to Jordan, because he could not live under the Jewish occupation of Palestine. The sacrilege of the Israeli tanks rolling in the West Bank without any resistance made him more determined to migrate to learn the skills necessary to fight.

In the late 1960's he joined the Jihad against the Israeli occupation of Palestine from Jordan. During that time he received a Masters degree in Shariah from the University of Al Azhar. In 1970 and after the jihad came to a halt, when the PLO was forced out of Jordan, he assumed a teaching position in the Jordanian University in.Amman. In 1971 he was awarded a scholarship to Al Azhar University in Cairo from which he obtained a Ph.D. Degree in Ussul al Fiqh in 1973. During his stay in Egypt he came to know the family of Saeed Qutb.

In 1979, when he was expelled from the university, he moved to Pakistan to be close to the Afghan Jihad. There, he became aquatinted with the leaders of the Jihad in Afghanistan. During the early period of his stay in Pakistan, he was appointed as a teacher in the International Islamic University in Islamabad. Eventually, it was necessary for him to resign his position in order to devote his full time and energy to the Jihad in Afghanistan.

Abdullah Azzam was greatly influenced by the Jihad in Afghanistan and the Jihad was greatly influenced by him. To it he concentrated his full effort, that he ultimately became the most prominent figure in the Afghani Jihad aside from the Afghan leaders. He spared no effort to promote the Afghan cause to the whole world, especially throughout the Muslim Ummah... He changed the minds of Muslims about Jihad in Afghanistan and presented the Jihad as an Islamic cause which concerns all Muslims around the world. Due to his efforts, the Afghani Jihad became universal, in which Muslims from every part of the world came to fight.

Jihad in Afghanistan had made Abdullah Azzam the main pillar of the Jihad movement in modern times. By taking part in this Jihad, by promoting it and banishing the misconceptions which had been planted in the path of Jihad. He became an example to follow for the next generation that responded to the call of Jihad.

Once he said, "I feel that I am nine years old, seven and a half years in the Afghan Jihad, one and a half years in Jihad in Palestine and the rest of the years have no value." On Friday the 24th of November 1989 in Peshawar, Pakistan he was assassinated along with his two sons Mohammed and Ibrahim, by 20kg of TNT activated by remote control while he was driving to Friday prayer. His car was blown to fragments in the middle of a busy street. Pieces his sons were discovered up to a hundred meters away. One of his son's legs was suspended to an overhanging telephone line. Nevertheless, Allah be glorified, the Sheikh was found intact, except for an internal hemorrhage, that caused of his death. Many can attest to the musk that emanated from his body. His son had asked that he be taken Shaheed along with his father. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was buried in Pabi Graveyard of the Shuhada where he joined thousands of Shuhada (martyrs).

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