
This code uses the OCO "UCB Look Up Table" control block - I assume you are 
aware that it may well change/disappear in future z/OS releases without warning.

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Bruce Hewson
Sent: 18 July 2007 05:21
Subject: Re: How can I give the volume unit address and return the volume name 
from REXX

This REXX can report on ONLINE devices. I have it set up to report on DASD 
volumes found where the argument is part of the volume name.

It also contains some unused code that I haven't removed.

Bruce Hewson

/*                                                                   */
/* TITLE     = Scan UCBs                                             */
/*                                                                   */
/* COPYRIGHT =                                                       */
/*                                                                   */
/* AUTHOR    = Bruce Hewson                                          */
/*                                                                   */
/* NAME      = SCANUCBS                                              */
/*                                                                   */
/* FUNCTION  =                                                       */
/*                                                                   */
/* NOTES     =                                                       */
/*                                                                   */
/* INPUT     = Subset mask of required VolSer                        */
/*                                                                   */
/* OUTPUT    =                                                       */
/*                                                                   */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* CHANGE HISTORY: Latest change at top.                             */
/*                                                                   */
/* Date     Name            Description                              */
/* ======== ===============
======================================== */
/* 18/07/07 Bruce Hewson    Original Version.                        */
/*                                                                   */
 Trace 'o'
 Signal on Novalue                /* Clean diagnostics               */
 Signal on Syntax                 /* for unexpected results.         */
 Numeric Digits 16
 Parse Source opsys calltype execname .
 Parse Upper Arg search_arg .
/*- SCANUDBD - Scan UCBs and summarize NED entries                  -*/

 Say 'Begin of dasd UCB scan'

 num_UCB = 0
 num_UCB_online_CU = 0
 num_UCB_offline_CU = 0
 num_UCB_online_total = 0
 num_UCB_offline_total = 0

 SSCB_print. = ""
 SSCB_print.0 = 0

 ULUT_address = Ulut()
 ULUTE_address = Ulute()

 If  Storage(ULUT_address, 4) = "ULUT" Then Do
   ULUTDASD = C2d(Storage(X2x(ULUT_address, '1C'), 4))
   ULUTDSDI = C2d(Storage(X2x(ULUT_address, '34'), 2))
   dasd_ULUTE_addr = D2x(X2d(ULUTE_address) + (12 * (ULUTDSDI -1)))
   ULUTNXDC = C2d(Storage(X2x(dasd_ULUTE_addr, '2'), 2))
   Do While ULUTNXDC <> 0
     num_UCB = num_UCB + 1
     ULUTUCBP = C2x(Storage(X2x(dasd_ULUTE_addr, '08'), 4))
     ULUTDEVN = C2x(Storage(X2x(dasd_ULUTE_addr, '00'), 2))

     DASD_volser = Storage(X2x(ULUTUCBP, '1C'), 6)

     flag1  = C2x(Storage(X2x(ULUTUCBP, '17'), 1))
     If Bitand(X2c(flag1),'01'x) = '01'x Then Do
        UCB_plus15    = C2d(Storage(X2x(ULUTUCBP, '15'), 3)) - 1
        hi_byte       = X2d(Left(ULUTUCBP,2) ³³ '000000')
        UCBEXTP_addr  = D2x(hi_byte + UCB_plus15)
     Else Do
        UCBEXTP_addr  = C2x(Storage(X2x(ULUTUCBP, '15'), 3))
     UCBIEXT_addr = C2x(Storage(X2x(UCBEXTP_addr, '08'), 4))
     SSCB_addr    = C2x(Storage(X2x(UCBIEXT_addr, '30'), 4))

     If SSCB_addr = '00000000' Then Do
       TokenNED = Left('NED not found',32)
     Else Do
       TokenNED = Storage(X2x(SSCB_addr,'1C'),32)

     ix = SSCB_print.0
     If ix > 0 Then Do
       If Strip(SSCB_print.ix) <> Strip(SSCB_addr) ,
        & SSCB_addr <> "00000000" Then Do
      /* Call Print_SSCB    */
         num_UCB_offline_CU = 0
         num_UCB_online_CU  = 0
         ix = ix + 1
         SSCB_print.ix = SSCB_addr
         SSCB_print.SSCB_addr = ix
         SSCB_print.0  = ix
         SSCB_print.DEV.ix = ULUTDEVN
         SSCB_print.NED.ix = TokenNED
       Else Do
         If Left(SSCB_print.DEV.ix,2) <> Left(ULUTDEVN,2) Then Do
      /*   Call Print_SSCB  */
           num_UCB_offline_CU = 0
           num_UCB_online_CU  = 0
           ix = ix + 1
           SSCB_print.ix = SSCB_addr
           SSCB_print.SSCB_addr = ix
           SSCB_print.0  = ix
           SSCB_print.DEV.ix = ULUTDEVN
           SSCB_print.NED.ix = TokenNED

       If Pos(search_arg,DASD_volser) <> 0 Then Do
         Say Right(DASD_volser,8) ,
             Right(ULUTDEVN,8)    ,
             Right(Substr(TokenNED, 7, 4),8) ,
             Right(Substr(TokenNED,14, 3),6) ,
             Right(Substr(TokenNED,17, 2),6) ,


     Else Do
       ix = ix + 1
       SSCB_print.ix = SSCB_addr
       SSCB_print.SSCB_addr = ix
       SSCB_print.0  = ix
       SSCB_print.DEV.ix = ULUTDEVN
       SSCB_print.NED.ix = TokenNED

     If SSCB_addr = '00000000' Then Do
       num_UCB_offline_CU    = num_UCB_offline_CU + 1
       num_UCB_offline_total = num_UCB_offline_total + 1
     Else Do
       num_UCB_online_CU    = num_UCB_online_CU + 1
       num_UCB_online_total = num_UCB_online_total + 1

     ULUTNXDC = C2d(Storage(X2x(dasd_ULUTE_addr, '04'), 2))
     dasd_ULUTE_addr = D2x(X2d(ULUTE_address) + (12 * (ULUTNXDC -1)))

 Say "Number of DASD UCBs processed:" num_UCB  Say "Number of DASD UCBs in ULUT 
 Say "Number of dasd Online        :" num_UCB_online_total
 Say "Number of dasd Offline       :" num_UCB_offline_total


 ix = SSCB_print.0
 Say "device:" SSCB_print.DEV.ix ,
     "SSCB at" SSCB_print.ix ":" ,
      Readable(SSCB_print.NED.ix) ,
     "NED found#:" Right(num_UCB_online_CU,3) ,
     "NED not found#:" Right(num_UCB_offline_CU,3)  Return

/*- XXX - Return address of common MVS control blocks               -*/
PSA:     Procedure: Return                             '00'
CVT:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Psa(),  '10'),4))
CVTFIX:  Procedure: Return     X2xD(Cvt(), '100')
CVTUSER: Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), 'CC'),4))
CVTAUTHL:Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '1E4'),4))
CVTCSD:  Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '294'),4))
CVTVSTGX:Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '4AC'),4))
CVTLLTA: Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '4DC'),4))
ECVT:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(),  '8C'),4))
TSAB:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Ecvt(), 'B0'),4))
IPA:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Ecvt(),'188'),4))
DFA:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '4C0'),4))
RMCT:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '25C'),4))
ZDTAB:   Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '40'),4))
STB:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '70'),4))
HSM:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '3DC'),4))
GVT:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '1B0'),4))
GDA:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '230'),4))

TCB:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Psa(), '21C'),4))
ASCB:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Psa(), '224'),4))
AUTHL:   Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '1E4'),4))
ASVT:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '22C'),4))
RCE:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '490'),4))
RAX:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Rce(),  '80'),4))

LLT:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '4DC'),4))

SMCA:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(),  'C4'),4))
SMCAFRDS:Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Smca(), 'F4'),4))

SCVT:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(),  'C8'),4))

SVCT:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Scvt(), '84'),4))
SVCR:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Scvt(), '88'),4))

ASXB:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Ascb(), '6C'),4))
LDA:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Ascb(), '30'),4))

LWA:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Asxb(), '14'),4))

ACEE:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Asxb(), 'C8'),4))

CSCB:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Ascb(), '38'),4))

TIOT:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Tcb(),   'C'),4))

JSCB:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Tcb(),  'B4'),4))

QDB:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Jscb(),'140'),4))

JCT:     Procedure: Return X2x(C2x(Storage(X2x(Jscb(),'104'),4)),'10')

JMR:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Jct(),  '86'),4))

SCT:     Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Jct(),  '20'),4))

SSIB:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Jscb(),'13C'),4))

JESCT:   Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '128'),4))

SSCVT:    Procedure: Return     C2x(Storage(X2x(Jesct(),'18'),4))

IOCOM:   Procedure:
            Return C2x(Storage(X2x(Cvt(), '7C'),4))
IOVT:    Procedure:
            Return C2x(Storage(X2x(Iocom(), 'D0'),4))
ULUT:    Procedure:
            Return C2x(Storage(X2x(Iovt(), '08'),4))
ULUTE:   Procedure:
            Return C2x(Storage(X2x(Ulut(), '0C'),4))

X2x:     Procedure: Return     D2x(X2d(Arg(1))+X2d(Arg(2)))
X2xD:    Procedure: Return     D2x(X2d(Arg(1))-X2d(Arg(2)))

DumpStor: Procedure
 Parse Arg stor_address , stor_length
 stor_data = Storage(stor_address,stor_length)  Do offset = 0 to ( stor_length 
- 1 ) by 16
   chunk_length = Min(stor_length - offset , 16)
   chunk_data = Substr(stor_data,offset+1,chunk_length)
   chunk_hex  = Left(C2x(chunk_data),32)
   chunk_address = X2x(stor_address,D2x(offset))
   Say Right(chunk_address,8,'0') ³³ ' ' ,
       Right(D2x(offset),4,'0')  ³³ ' ' ,
       Substr(chunk_hex,1,8) ,
       Substr(chunk_hex,9,8) ,
       Substr(chunk_hex,17,8) ,
       Substr(chunk_hex,25,8) ,
       ' ' ,
       '*' ³³ Readable(Left(chunk_data,16)) ³³ '*'
C2b:     Procedure
 Parse Arg char_string
 hex_string = C2x(char_string)
 bin_string = ""
 Do ptr = 1 to Length(hex_string)
   hex_test = X2d(Substr(hex_string,ptr,1))
   If hex_test >= 8 Then Do
     bin_string = bin_string ³³ '1'
     hex_test = hex_test - 8
   Else Do
     bin_string = bin_string ³³ '0'
   If hex_test >= 4 Then Do
     bin_string = bin_string ³³ '1'
     hex_test = hex_test - 4
   Else Do
     bin_string = bin_string ³³ '0'
   If hex_test >= 2 Then Do
     bin_string = bin_string ³³ '1'
     hex_test = hex_test - 2
   Else Do
     bin_string = bin_string ³³ '0'
   If hex_test >= 1 Then Do
     bin_string = bin_string ³³ '1'
     hex_test = hex_test - 1
   Else Do
     bin_string = bin_string ³³ '0'
 Return bin_string

Readable:    Procedure
 from = ""
 Do i = 0 to 255
   from = from ³³ X2c(D2x(i))
 to =       "................"
 to = to ³³ "................"
 to = to ³³ "................"
 to = to ³³ "................"
 to = to ³³ " ...........<(+³"
 to = to ³³ "&.........!$*);ª"
 to = to ³³ "-.........í,%_>?"
 to = to ³³ "..........:#@'="""
 to = to ³³ ".abcdefghi......"
 to = to ³³ ".jklmnopqr......"
 to = to ³³ "..stuvwxyz......"
 to = to ³³ "................"
 to = to ³³ ".ABCDEFGHI......"
 to = to ³³ ".JKLMNOPQR......"
 to = to ³³ "./STUVWXYZ......"
 to = to ³³ "0123456789......"
 Return Translate(Arg(1),to,from)
 Return Translate(Arg(1),to)
/* Convert timestamp to hours minutes seconds                        */
Convert_Time: Procedure
 Parse Arg seconds
 Address TSO
 hour = seconds % 360000
 minute = (seconds - hour * 360000) % 6000  IF hour > 12 THEN
     hour = hour - 12
     period = 'PM'
   period = 'AM'
 minute = RIGHT(minute,2,'0')
 Return hour ³³ ":" ³³ minute ³³ period
/* Convert Julian Date to Gregorian.                                 */
Convert_Date: Procedure
 Parse Arg jdate
 Address TSO
 yy = Substr(jdate,3,2)
 ddd = Substr(jdate,5,3)
 monthlist = '31' ³³ 28+Leapyear(yy) ³³ '31303130313130313031'
 monthname = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'
 If Left(jdate,2) = "00" Then yy = "19" ³³ yy
                         Else yy = "20" ³³ yy  ddx = 0  ddy = 0  Do i = 1 to 12
   ddx = ddy + Substr(monthlist,(2*i) -1,2)
   If ddd > ddx Then Do
     ddy = ddx
   Else Do
     mm = i
 month = Substr(monthname,((mm-1)*3)+1,3)  dd = Right((ddd - ddy),2,'0')  
Return dd month yy 
Leapyear: Procedure
 Parse Arg year .
 If Datatype(year) ª= 'NUM' Then Do   /* moderate error check        */
   Say "LEAPYEAR invoked with invalid argument" year
   Exit                               /* no value - abort process    */
 Return ((year//4=0)&(year//100<>0))³(year//400=0)
 Say "SYNTAX raised in line" sigl". rc="rc "("errortext(rc)")."
 zsigl = sigl                     /* Number of sourceline in error   */
 Parse Version impl langlevel .   /* Look at language level          */
 Signal Common                    /* continue with common code       */

 Say "NOVALUE raised at line" sigl
 zsigl = sigl                     /* Number of sourceline in error   */
 Parse Version impl langlevel .   /* Look at language level          */
 If langlevel > 3.45 Then Do      /* Condition BIF is supported      */
   Say "Then referenced variable is" "CONDITION"('D')  End
 Signal Common                    /* continue with common code       */

Common:                           /* Common error handling           */
 Trace 'o'                        /* Ensure no tracing               */
 If sourceline() <> 0 Then Do     /* Source lines available          */
   Say '"'CompleteSource(zsigl)'"'/* Show the line in error          */
 If Left(impl,5) <> "REXXC" Then Do /* NOT running a compiled program*/
   Say "You can look around now..." /* Tell user what they can do    */
   Trace ?R                       /* interactive tracing             */

CompleteSource: Procedure
 Parse Arg linenum
 If Datatype(linenum) <> "NUM" Then linenum=1  line = Strip(SourceLine(linenum))

 Do While (( Right(line,1) = ",") & (linenum <= SourceLine()))
   linenum = linenum + 1
   line = Left(line,(length(line)-1)) Strip(SouceLine(linenum))  End

 Return line

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