
Call for Publications

Theme: Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity
Publication: Collection of essays
Deadline: 30.7.2017


The collection of essays “Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity”
focuses on the intersection of race, ethnicity, and cosmopolitanism
as conceptualized in contemporary theory and race and ethnicity
studies in the U.S. If the notions of race and ethnicity have been
interrogated and discussed by numerous scholars, it is only recently
that the critical gaze has been turned in the direction of
cosmopolitanism. The book will investigate how contemporary scholars
of ethnic and postcolonial studies theorize cosmopolitanism in the
U.S. in an attempt to see it as a notion that could provide a
platform for transcultural human communication and transnational
human solidarity. No longer viewed as an attribute of intellectual
Western elites, the new cosmopolitanism is vernacular and part of
what H. Bhabha terms “minoritarian modernity.” The book will attempt
to distinguish the main lines of cosmopolitan thought and investigate
in what way they could enrich the perception and understanding of the
culture of multiracial and multiethnic societies such as the United

The call for papers encourages essays that address but are not
limited to the following topics:

- Transnationalism and trans-indigenism
- Diaspora, Black Atlantic and migration
- Transculturation
- Postcolonialism and anti-imperialism
- Pan-Africanism and pan-Americanism
- Marxist internationalism, old and new
- Transatlantic slave trade and transatlantic abolitionism
- Glocalization and hybridity
- Border studies
- Intersecting identities
- Nomadism
- Creolization
- New Mestiza and new tribalism
- Immigrant writing
- Travel writing and tourist cultures

The project is funded by a grant from the University of Warsaw. The
book will be peer-reviewed and published by Peter Lang in the series
“Encounters: Warsaw Studies in English Language, Culture, Literature,
and Visual Arts.” Only original and unpublished submissions will be
considered. Manuscripts should be between 5000-7000 words and should
adhere to the latest MLA style. Please send complete papers to
e.b.luc...@uw.edu.pl or a.pochm...@uw.edu.pl by July 30, 2017.


Ewa Luczak
Institute of English Studies
University of Warsaw 
Email: e.b.luc...@uw.edu.pl


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