
Call for Publications

Theme: Education and Migration
Publication: Journal of Global Ethics
Date: Vol. 14, Issue 2 (2018)
Deadline: 15.10.2017


Following upon the special issue Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human
Mobility (December, 2016), The Journal of Global Ethics introduces a
further special issue concerning the responsibilities for education
that pertain to international migration. The Journal of Global Ethics
invites scholars and practitioners from the disciplines of education,
economics, law, philosophy, political science sociology and other
fields to submit articles for review.

Migration is driven by climate change, resource scarcity, state
failure and other factors. It deeply marks all our everyday lives, it
is ever present in the news, and it influences elections around the
globe. Migration is hotly debated in politics, and so the ethics of
migration is also a topic in contemporary moral and political
philosophy. The merits of open vs. closed borders, problems of brain
drain and territorial rights are familiar foci, but academic debate
has largely neglected the matter of education in a world of
transnational migration.

Migration includes seasonal work, informal or undocumented migration,
guest-worker migration, refugee accommodation, refugee resettlement
and non-asylum immigration. Education that pertains to migration may
be a concern that applies to migrants entering a nation and their
children, but also to those adults and children who are already
resident in nations receiving migrants.

Topics for this issue include, but are not restricted to:

- Methodological issues about how to justify educational ends and

Which ideals, principles or values serve for justifying
migration-related education in both receiving and sending countries?
For example, should the education of migrants in receiving countries
be justified on the basis of (moral or international legal) human
rights or other principles of justice, humanity, charity or utility?

Should the justification for these educational policies be distinct
from or conjoined to other migration-related policy? For example,
must the justification of migration-related education take into
consideration climate refugee policy or development policy?

- Substantive issues about migration-related education in countries
  of immigration:

What should be the shape of educational programs in societies that
receive, or that should receive, migrants? Should educational
institutions prepare the next generation to welcome and cohabit with
newcomers? Should education cultivate virtues that are conducive to
the fulfilment of the obligations of receiving societies to migrants
and refugees, and, if so, which virtues? How should the school
curriculum address migration? For example, is it desirable that
history classes avoid sedentary biases and insist more on the fact
that migration has been a continuous feature of human history? In
countries with many immigrants arriving from former colonies, how
should colonial history be taught?

Children of migrants attend educational programs that have been
promoted by political representatives that their parents neither
elect nor can hold accountable. To what extent, if at all, should
adult migrants have a voice in deciding what constitutes a good
education for the next generation?

What ought to be the aims and purposes of accommodation or
integration programs? Should they solely aim at economic integration
in order to make sure migrants enjoy decent opportunities to access
the job market and contribute to the economy? Or should they pursue
more ambitious goals, such as educating migrants for the conception
of citizenship that prevails in their country of destination? Is it
legitimate to make such programs, which target adults, mandatory? And
how should these programs be funded?

Which educational policies should formerly colonized countries like
Angola adopt in light of so-called reverse migration from formerly
colonizing countries like Portugal?

- Substantive issues about migration-related education in countries
  of emigration:

Migration also raises issues for educational institutions within
countries of emigration, regardless of whether this involves
migration from relatively poor to relatively rich countries or vice
versa. Do educational institutions in these countries have an
obligation to prepare children and young adults for transnational
mobility? For example, should they adapt their educational programs
to the labor demands in countries of destination? To what extent
should they teach children to accommodate values with which they are
not familiar? Migrants may experience conflicting allegiance between
their country of origin and their country of destination: how should
educational policies and practices address this conflict?

- Distributive issues about how to divide the costs and benefits of
  migration-related education between countries of emigration and

Who should pay how much for integration programs? Do countries of
immigration have such a duty to pay, or should integration be
considered charitable treatment, or wise social policy? If such a
duty holds, is it a duty of justice or a duty of humanity? Are there
distributive justice-based arguments that tell against countries of
destination providing education for irregular migrants? Should
countries of immigration have a role in supporting educational
systems in countries of emigration? If yes, on what grounds do they
have this duty?

- Educational issues about migration-related political communication
  and rhetoric:

What economists, sociologists, demographers and lawyers know about
migration does not tend to register in the public debate, and popular
biases are not easily overturned. How should information about
migration be transmitted, and are communications media, as currently
structured, adequate to the task? What are the obligations of
politicians and public officials with respect to the way they
communicate about migration? What are the obligations of academics
and journalists with respect to this problem?

Guest editors:
Julian Culp (Frankfurt)
Danielle Zwarthoed (Louvain)

Submission of abstracts: asap
Submission of papers: October 15, 2017

Direct enquiries and submissions to:

The guest editors have supplemented this call for papers with invited
contributions from Meira Levinson (Harvard University), Krassimir
Stojanov (KU-Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Carola Suárez-Orozco (UCLA) and
Marcelo Suárez-Orozco (UCLA).

Publication is projected for issue 14:2 (2018). Length: 8000 words
excluding tables, references, footnotes, and endnotes. Manuscripts
should be compiled in the following order: title; abstract (200
words); keywords; main text; acknowledgments; references; appendices
(if appropriate).

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