Hello together,

I am facing the problem, that my IVY publish into a local file cache is taking "ages". It takes at least 30 seconds to publish a set of max of 3 artifacts. (jar, source, javadoc)

Same issue is on IVY resolve. Here it seems to be the up to date check of Ivy to verify if the resources are still the newest.
How can I modify the behaviour of this update check?
e.g. here it takes sometimes minutes, even if the stuff is already cached.

Since we have a multiproject environment with 13 projects IVY eats up following times:
13x 30sec for local publish => 6,5 minutes
13x at least 30sec for resolve => 6,5 minutes

So our build is waiting about 10-13 minutes only for IVY. The whole build (incl. IVY) takes about 15-16 minutes.

Can someone help me out of the dark how to improve IVY publish and IVY resolve for a local - very fast - build.
On our CI jenkins, it is okay - not nice but okay - to take what time.

best wishes,

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