On Tuesday 18 August 2015 09:55 PM, Tamer Erdogan wrote:
Here is the myproject/ivy.xml for the project where the dependencies are 
<ivy-module version="2.0">
     <info organisation="com.mycompany.mymodule" module="mymodule"/>

               <dependency org="com.vasco.aal2" name="aal2sdk" rev="3.15.0">
                      <artifact name="mymodule-win64" type="zip" ext="zip" />

Then I tried to put packaging="zip" in the dependency/artifact definition but 
Ivy didn't accept it, because of the xsd schema failure.

Have you tried using the extra attributes namespace as follows:

<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra";>
    <info organisation="com.mycompany.mymodule" module="mymodule"/>

              <dependency org="com.vasco.aal2" name="aal2sdk" rev="3.15.0">
<artifact name="mymodule-win64" type="zip" ext="zip" e:packaging="zip" />

Notice the declaration and usage of the "e" namespace for the packaging attribute.


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