I ran across this yesterday.  Not Ivy specifically, but discusses the issue 
using C/C++ modules in a Maven type repository.  Pattern would also apply to 
IVY usage


-----Original Message-----
From: juan.mej...@reduc.edu.cu [mailto:juan.mej...@reduc.edu.cu] 
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 10:51 PM
To: ivy-user@ant.apache.org
Subject: Re: Looking for non-java transitive dependency examples

> Hi,
> I would like to manage non-java transitive dependency with ivy, but 
> all my attempts have failed so far. Anyone has links to examples (e.g. 
> on github)?
> Thanks,
> Martin

Hi. What is failing? This are some modules I used in an ActionScript project. 
As you can see, I am publishing a .air file, screens-manager library is a .swc, 
and main_entrance_screen is a .zip:

---main module-------------------
<ivy-module version="2.0">
        <info organisation="${project.organisation}" module="${project.name}"
                <conf name="release" description="Provide a release"/>
                <conf name="integration" description="Provide an integration"/>
                <artifact type="air" ext="air" conf="release"/>
                <artifact type="air" ext="air" conf="integration"/>
                <!-- Integration dependencies -->
                <!-- Libraries -->
                <dependency org="${project.organisation}" name="screens-manager"
rev="integration" conf="integration" changing="true"/>

                <!-- Modules -->
                <dependency org="${project.organisation}" 
rev="integration" conf="integration" changing="true"/>

                <!-- Release dependencies -->
                <!-- Libraries -->
                <dependency org="${project.organisation}" name="screens-manager"
rev="1.3" conf="release"/>

                <!-- Modules -->
                <dependency org="${project.organisation}" 
rev="0.7" conf="release"/>

---screens-manager module--------
<ivy-module version="2.0">
        <info organisation="${project.organisation}" module="${project.name}"
                <conf name="release" description="Provide a release"/>
                <conf name="integration" description="Provide an integration"/>
                <artifact type="swc" ext="swc" conf="release"/>
                <artifact type="swc" ext="swc" conf="integration"/>

---main_entrance_screen module---
<ivy-module version="2.0">
        <info organisation="${project.organisation}" module="${project.name}"
                <conf name="release" description="Provide a release"/>
                <conf name="integration" description="Provide an integration"/>
                <artifact type="zip" ext="zip" conf="release"/>
                <artifact type="zip" ext="zip" conf="integration"/>

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