How are you taking the snap shot? How do you receive that snapshot into Java? By loading it as an image, or are you using the built-in robot facilities to do the snapshot?

If you are using robot, then the image will already be a BufferedImage so you don't need to convert it. If you are loading a snapshot stored as a file, then you can load the image using ImageI/O instead of Toolkit/Component.getImage() and get a BufferedImage that way...


First, i am extracting images from the video stream by taking a snap shot of each images 
from the video, and then I extracted the pixels data from those images using 
pixelGrabbers. This return a byte[] array of pixels information of the image. then i 
create BufferedImage using the method i posted above, but the way that i have written can 
cause out of heap memory error because i am declaring "new" everytime i got a 
new dataBuffer. the dimension of the byte[] dataBuffer is the same; the only change is 
the pixel info. Here is some part of my program:

public class ExtractImage{
//start video stream
//then take a snap shot of video at every 5 seconds.
//then extract the pixel info from the snap shot image using pixelsGrabber, and
//then put that data in the byte[] dataBuffer array.
//After that produce BufferedImage or RenderedImage by calling this 
//produceRenderedImage method.

public BufferedImage produceRenderedImage(byte[] dataBuffer, int width, int 
DataBuffer dBuffer = new DataBufferByte(dataBuffer, width * height);
WritableRaster wr = 
Raster.createInterleavedRaster(dBuffer,width,height,width,1,new int[]{0},null);
ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(cs,false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, 
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(cm, wr, false, null);

return bi;
thanks for all your help. i really appreciated it.

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