
There appears to be a bug in JDEbug regarding circular references. I was trying to look at a java.util.LinkedList. The implementation in my JDK uses a class like the following:

class LLNode {
Object element;
LLNode next;
LLNode previous;

where next and previous point to the next and previous elements of the list. Looking at the first element was fine. I clicked on the reference to the first LLNode, and expanded element. When I tried to look at the second element by expanding next, the mechanism to presever the expanded state imploded. It expanded the LLNode for next, then next.previous, then next.previous.next, and so on, looping between those two two objects until it hit some iteration limit.

As a result, I couldn't look at any local variables. It apparently even failed to set up the properties so that I could close the objects. This persisted through exiting the debugger and starting a new run.

In general, the mechanism is good and user full, but is there a way to turn if off in cases like this?


Troy Daniels
781-273-3388 x218

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